Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Leaving on a jet plane...

Today we booked our tickets to return to Mexico. We still have a bit of funding to come through (around 20%) but God has been so continually good to us, we are walking by faith in Him. Since January we have been able to clearly see God's hand in this, even in the midst of financial crisis in N. Ireland, He has provided for us in everyway. So on the 8th April 2009 we are heading back to Mexico, to rejoin God's work there and we seek to glorify Him in all we do.
Please pray for the following:
1. That we would be continually holy unto the Lord in our walk with Him.
2. Safe travelling and that we would adapt quickly to life in Mexico, especially with Ben.
3. For the difficult goodbyes that are ahead of us.
4. For the last remaining part of our funding to come in before we go, so we can focus solely on God.


Robin MacKinnon said...

You forgot to ask for prayer for the difficulty it will be living daily with the MacKinnons again! And that Ben survives all of the hugs and squeezes Ethan wants to give him.... and that you don't get tired of the MacKinnons wanting to eat all of Jonnys cooking every night! We are excited!
Hugs, R

Lakatos Family said...

We're so excited for that you will be going to Mexico soon! Hope we'll be on our way to joining you....