Monday, 1 October 2007

It's been how long.....?

It amazes us every week as we realise that we've been in Mexico so long. This is our seventh week in Mexico!
However to be honest there are good days and bad days. Sometimes the language is really tough, and then the food doesn't agree with you. Or something happens at home, something small, but because you aren't there it seems massive! We have just been talking these last few days, it would be lovely to go home for a few days, see everyone and eat kebabs! We are happy here, we have a peace about being here, but the devil does attack in subtle ways.

What has meant alot to us are our friends, family and church family who have e-mailed, you all know who you are! Sometimes just knowing that people back home are thinking and praying with us gives us a little spring in our step! Thank you all so much!

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