Monday, 29 September 2008

Baby Show...

In Belfast a couple of weeks ago we went to a baby show with Jackson, Craig & Christine to see some of the cool things that we can get for babies. Jackson had a great time tasting and testing alot of the things, but the grown ups also had a fun time seeing everything that the show had for babies.

We got a couple of things to help us prepare for our baby coming in November, and also a couple of things for Julie to help make her comfortable in these coming weeks!


We have been still keeping up with our meetings schedule and sharing with people what God is doing in Mexico, and in our lives. It's so exciting to share with people and be encouraged about the people who are supporting and praying for God's work.

Last Thursday we spoke in our own church, and it was really good, as even though we have travelled round a lot of churches and friends, it felt like coming home to your own family.

God continues to bless us with a wonderful prayer support, and also a faithfully people who are really burdened for His work in Mexico.

3 Years Later...

On the 20th September we celebrated our 3rd year wedding anniversary. It's pretty hard to believe that it's been three years since our wedding, and yet it's our last as a family of two. We can't wait until next year when we our family will be extended with our new little addition!
We stayed in the hotel where we had our wedding reception and had a meal there, it was a really relaxing time for us, and good to take time out of our busy schedule!

Parenting Classes...

In these three weeks we are having pregnancy and parenting classes at our local health centre. These classes are good fun, and really inform us what happens next in Julie's stage of pregnancy.

Julie is now 34 weeks pregnant and we are excited/scared/nervous about these next 6 weeks. The house is getting a bit organised for baby coming, and everytime we are out we seem to come back with more things for our little one!


Everyone who knows Jonny, knows he loves cooking! Since we've come back we have been blessed to have fresh vegetables from Laura & Ash's garden, something which has made our Sunday lunches extra specially yummy.
When we received this potato it was washed and put out for disply as Jonny thought it looked like a superhero! So here it is "Superpotato!"

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Dog Sitting...

This week we are staying at Jonny's parents house, as they are away to Spain on holiday, and we are dog sitting Snoopy! Snoopy is getting on a bit, so is a bit cranky!

We have meetings all this week as well as teaching "the Armour of God" in our children's church. It's a 2 week series and Jonny got all dressed up as a Roman Soldier to teach the kids, something which they thought was cool! We'll have pictures next week!

Meetings are going well, but pray for refreshment, as you can see our schedule some posts below, is pretty hectic, but we give God all the glory for what He is doing in and through our lives!

Saturday, 6 September 2008


Going round a number of meetings, and in particular prayer groups, we've been in awe of the people who God has raised to pray for us while we were serving God in Mexico. It has really blown us away how passionate people are to get on their knees and leave everything before God. And how exciting and priviledged it it for us to tell them about what God is doing in us and through us, and how they praise God for answering their prayers!

What an amazing reason we should be more willing to chat to God in prayer!

Friday, 5 September 2008


We are posting our meetings this month, this is so you can pray for us as we travel and share, and also if you would like to see us, or chat with us, to know when we are free to do so.

6th September - OMS Prayer Meeting (Clonroot)
9th September - Carryduff Baptist
11th September - OMS Prayer Meeting (Newtownards)
12th September - OMS Prayer Meeting (Larne)
13th September - OMS Young People BBQ
15th September - OMS Prayer Meeting (Carnalbanagh)
16th September - "Look Unto The Fields" Buckna Presbyterian
18th September - OMS Prayer Meeting (Ballymoney)
21st September - Camagh Mission Hall
25th September - Ballee Baptist Church
27th September - Youth Group Newtownards
28th September - Crossroads Evangelical Church

Thursday, 4 September 2008


Sorry everyone for the lack of posts! We have been upto alot in the last couple of weeks. Firstly our meetings have begun, and this means preparing whatever needs to go or be said, and then hopping in the car to chat to people about what God is doing in Mexico. It is a real priviledge to speak at some of the places, and the people have really welcomed us in with Christ-like love.

For many of the meetings, we are returning to give a report on what God is doing in Mexico, but also what He has done and continues to do in our lives. We are so encouraged to know that these people still remember us in prayer, and many support us financially as well.

We have also been looking after our little nephew, Jackson, and it has also been and exciting experience, and also a useful one in the months ahead with our baby due to be born in November.

We have also been visiting friends and also people who are very dear to us, and we have learned so much from the people who we have encountered. We do miss Mexico, and our family & friends there, and also we are very priviledged to have such a supportive network of people here.