One thing that we feel led to pray for everyday is our guards. We have chatted to them in passing for the last few days and we have met three of them. We do not know their names yet, and don't really know much about them, but we are reminded of the verse given to us by the team we met from Armagh, who came out before us. It reminds us that God is always guarding us, and is our help. They read us the verse in Psalm 121.
"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth."
I think it got to us that most of the time as Christians that we don't have an automatic realisation of this verse. Pastor Andrew (Roycroft) explained to us that when times were hard, which they would be, we should automatically go through a process of thinking.
The hills (our troubles) seem so big!
Where does my help come from?
Our help comes from God, creater of heaven and earth.
We are glad He is guarding us, and is our ever present Saviour!